Friday, 28 December 2012

Doctor, the operation was a success

Adaptor plate and assembly bolted to motor

Closer view so you can see my rough work

First coupling on motor shaft

Second coupling to attach to the gearbox input shaft

Assembly showing complete coupling and rubber "spider'

Gearbox connected to motor 

Hoisted on to work bench for inspection, yep the work bench is rated at 25 kgs. weight  and it's holding up at 80 kgs. Still have chain and hoist 

Oh, that's right turn it around the right way

Several hours of argy bargy 

Snug fit with 7mm to spare, well to tell the truth I had to cut 22 mm off of the motor aux shaft.

Modified the existing engine mount and yes a cigarette paper tight fit. 

Another view of the engine mount I know Dennis will be looking. Mad man is converting the same car

Controller and main contactor

Gearbox mount doing it's job

How do I tighten the grub screws on the coupler? 

That's right just drill a 50mm hole in the bellhousing

Yep I'm going to put an old orange bath plug with a chain in there 

Back to work tomorrow 

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Successful 51 st Orbit of the sun

Thanks to the family for this great card as I head of on my 52 second, hopefully full orbit of the sun.

Now on with the show.
Yes I have my home made adapter plate ready in time for holidays

And the battery box to fit in the area where the fuel tank was. This a little different to the template I made this one holding 27 cells, the original box proved to difficult to make with such limited time and resource, I Know what your thinking, "work gets in the way of all fun thing".

Well almost finished

And what's this?
It's a 175 Amp 600 Volt quick disconnect Anderson Connector for my battery box, why?
Well I'm going to have a quick disconnect battery system so I can use the same pack on my ELECTRIC BOAT!

MMM Time for a mental health check!

Thank you very much Eric for bringing this little memento home for me from your trip tho the USA for:

2nd Annual Electric Vehicle Conversion Convention - EVCCON

September 26-30, 2012 - Cape Girardeau Missouri

So have an Electrifying Christmas and Happy new Year
Cheers, Rob